Aaron J

Aaron Waseskuk lives in Des Moines, IA with his wife/editor, newborn baby, and five pets. He grew up with a fascination for fantasy, anime, and horror.When not writing or working, he spends lots of time cooking delicious food or gaming. Has been playing make-believe since his youth with no intentions of stopping soon.Alongside writing SoulBound and editing the audio book, he contributes to Beyond the Page and will be launching a new sci-fi horror story on Patreon soon.

SoulBound Vol 1

The Soul… the source of spiritual energy within us all.Powerful magic is granted to those who can tap into their soul.Lost at sea, a devastated Jaelyn finds herself a long way from home and family. She finds some solace in the kindness of saviors. Oum, Master of the Mystic Arts, and his protege, Ethan. They present her with the chance of a lifetime. To live out her dream of seeing the world. And to the ability to unlock the magic of her soul. Tama-Ken.Jaelyn accepts, hoping to find her place in a life without her brother and sister. Along the way, she will encounter hostile peers, dark creatures, pirates at sea, and her most difficult foe. Herself. Jaelyn will need to master Tama-Ken and make new allies along the way if she hopes to protect her new found family.

SoulBound Vol 2

The Soul… the source of spiritual energy within us all.But the soul can become tainted by the darkness around us.Tatsura is up in flames. Jaelyn is pulled into a world of nightmares. Oum goes missing. And ghosts from the past return to see revenge. Jaelyn, Ethan, and Raj uncover a plot from the troublesome Cult of Flames, leading to a possible attack on Seishin. But a near death experience calls forth the Red Spirit.Jaelyn must overcome the influence and power of the Red Spirit if she hopes to save anyone. What mysteries lie within the world of nightmares? Where is Oum and will they be able to save him from this dangerous cult? Can they save Seishin or will their home be burnt to the ground? Jaelyn will need help from beyond the mortal realm if she hopes to keep her newfound family safe.